Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leadership Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

What are the lessons in Leadership (positive and negative) from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill? What can we learn from the way political leaders have been behaving? What can we learn from corporate leaders? How about the media?

1 comment:

  1. Every sublety of our communications gets magnified infinitely on TV and in the eyes of the public, corporate leaders are rarely prepared for a political life. Micromessaging of Tony's incontrollable smile at the wrong time - whatever's gone on, or his intentions, we just can't trust him.

    What on earth has gone on? How much has the climate of fear pervaded BP, it's very sad as there are many great leaders there working very hard with the best of intentions and safety is huge. Yet not everywhere, with HR removing the heart and conscience out of the company, I suspect the arrogance of a few leaders made bp inpenetrable to organisational honesty. It's a rare hero who dares challenge a bully.

    Great now Bob Dudley and Lamar McKay may be able to have some impact - or is it too late?
